Knitting Symbols

Crochet Symbols


Abbreviations for Knitting

approx: approximately
beg: begin/beginning
BO: bind off
CC: contrasting color
CDD: sl 1, k2tog.psso
cm: centimeter
cn: cable needle
CO: cast on
cont: continue
dec, dec’s, dec’ing, dec’d: decrease, decreases, decreasing, decreased
dpn: double pointed needles
inc, inc’s, inc’ing, inc’d: increase, increases, increasing, increased
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together (1 st dec’d)
k3tog: knit 3 stitches together (2 sts dec’d)
kfb:knit in the front and back of the next st (1 st inc’d)
k-wise: knitwise
m: marker, markers
M1: make 1 (1 st inc’d)
M1L: make 1 left (1 st inc’d)
M1R: make 1 right (1 st inc’d)
M1p: make 1 purl (1 st dec’d)
MC: main color
p: purl
pat: pattern
pm: place marker
psso: pass slipped stitch over
p-wise: purlwise
rem: remain/remaining
rep: repeat
rnd(s): round(s)
RS: right side
s2kp: slip 2 together, knit 1, pass slipped stitches over knit stitch —2 stitches decreased
sk: skip
skp: slip, knit, pass slipped stitch over—1 stitch decreased
sk2p: slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over the knit 2 together—2 stitches decreased
sl: slip
slm: slip marker
ssk: slip, slip, knit these 2 stitches together—a decrease is made
St st: stockinette stitch
st(s): stitch(es)
tog: together
w&t: wrap and turn
WS: wrong side
wyib: with yarn in back
wyif: with yarn in front
yfwd: yarn forward
yo: yarn over 


Abbreviations for Crochet

approx: approximately
beg: begin/beginning
bet: between
BP: back post
BPdc: back post double crochet
BPsc: back post single crochet
BPtr: back post treble crochet
CC: contrasting color
ch(s): chain(s)
ch-: refers to a chain or space previously made, e.g., ch-1 sp
ch-sp: chain space
CL: cluster
cm: centimeter
cont: continue
dc: double crochet
dc2tog: double crochet 2 stitches together
dec, dec’s, dec’ing, dec’d: decrease, decreases, decreasing, decreased
dtr: double treble crochet
FP: front post
FPdc: front post double crochet
FPsc: front post single crochet
FPtr: front post treble crochet
hdc: half double crochet
inc, inc’s, inc’ing, inc’d: increase, increases, increasing, increased
lp(s): loop(s)
m: marker, markers
MC: main color
pat: pattern
rem: remain/remaining
rep: repeat
rnd(s): round(s)
RS: right side
sc: single crochet(s)
sc2tog: single crochet 2 stitches together
sk: skip
sl st: slip stitch
sp(s): space(s)
st(s): stitch(es)
t-ch: turning chain
tbl: through back loop
tog: together
tr: treble crochet(s)
trtr: triple treble crochet
WS: wrong side
yo: yarn over