I use this lovely soft yet sturdy 100% cotton yarn to make amigurumi octupus to include in my little preemie and pre-preemie sets of a tiny blanket and beanie/cap which I make with Premier Bamboo Fair which is 60% Rayon from Bamboo and 40% cotton.
Research has shown that these little softly stuffed octupus help to reduce the preemie's heart rate, helps to prevent them pulling out their tubes, and the twirly legs, apparently, reminds these little ones, who are fighting to survive, of the umbilical cord. Because of this they love to grasp the legs with their tiny little fingers for comfort.
It's important yarn used for Preemie projects are smooth and soft and have no fuzzy fibers to irritate the baby's skin, and/or lungs. Both Cotton Sprout and Bamboo Fair fit the bill perfectly!! Thank you, Premier. I'm a new customer having just discovered your yarn.